Bundled Recycling & Garbage Information

🌟 Important News for City Residents! 🌟

Starting Summer 2025, Sunset City will be moving to a Bundled Pricing Program for garbage and recycling services! This change is part of our commitment to a cleaner, greener community. 

Here’s what you need to know:

🗑️ What’s Included?

  • 1 Black Garbage Can
  • 1 Blue Recycling Bin

🚛 When Will It Start?

  • Blue recycling bins will begin delivery around June 2025, and all bins are expected to be delivered by July 1, 2025.
  • The new bundled rate of $23.65/month will not take effect until your blue recycling bin is delivered. Please note that this is not a rate change, it is simply adding the recycling fee ($5.68 per month for 1 blue recycling bin) to our current base rate ($17.97 per month for 1 black garbage can).

💡 Already Enrolled in Recycling?
If you’re already part of our recycling program, no changes will be made to your current billing since you are already paying for recycling.

📅 Have Questions?
Representatives from both ACE Recycling & Disposal and Wasatch Integrated Waste Management will be attending our next City Council Meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Tuesday, March 4th at 6:30pm. This is a great opportunity to learn more and share your feedback.

We’re excited about this step forward for our community and appreciate your support in making Sunset City a more sustainable place to live. 💙♻️

Most Popular FAQs:


Can I opt out?

Recycling is now part of Sunset City’s bundled service, which includes regular household waste collection. This service is $5.68 per month, and all residents will incur this cost regardless of whether they use the recycling service.

By including recycling, Sunset City is taking steps to extend the lifespan of our local landfill, which will save money for residents in the long run while also benefiting the environment.

While you are welcome to return the blue recycling bin if you choose not to participate, you will still incur the cost of the recycling service. We are asking that you keep the blue bin until August 1st, 2025 (or 1 month after your can is delivered). This encourages more effective participation, which leads to advancing recycling in our community. It also allows staff to fully roll out the recycling carts and process the return of any additional black garbage carts so they can be prepared to pick up unwanted recycling carts. 

Sunset City makes no profit from waste removal services, and the inclusion of recycling helps offset landfill costs by diverting recyclable materials, supporting the overall sustainability of our community.

If you have further questions or concerns, we encourage you to attend the City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 at 6:30pm at City Hall, where representatives from both ACE Recycling & Disposal and Wasatch Integrated Waste Management will be available to provide more information. If you have questions or concerns, please come prepared to ask them in the Public Comment portion of the Council meeting so that your concerns can be addressed by the Council.


Is this a rate change?

We’d like to clarify that this is not an official rate change, as the cost of recycling is not increasing. However, we do understand that for residents who are not currently participating in recycling, this will result in a $5.68 increase on their monthly bill compared to what they pay now.

Sunset City makes no profit from waste removal services, and the inclusion of recycling helps offset landfill costs by diverting recyclable materials, supporting the overall sustainability of our community.

This change is part of our effort to provide long-term cost savings for residents by extending the lifespan of the landfill, which helps avoid higher disposal fees in the future. Additionally, bundled services allow everyone to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable community.

If you have further questions or concerns, we encourage you to attend the City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 at 6:30pm at City Hall, where representatives from both ACE Recycling & Disposal and Wasatch Integrated Waste Management will be available to provide more information. If you have questions or concerns, please come prepared to ask them in the Public Comment portion of the Council meeting so that your concerns can be addressed by the Council.


Is Sunset City getting money from this?

To clarify, Sunset City received a grant from The Recycling Partnership to help fund the recycling bins and public education efforts. Sunset City makes no profit on water, sewer, and waste removal services. Sunset City will receive a diversion incentive on landfill costs based on the tonnage of recycling material diverted from the waste stream into the landfill, which will help support expenses related to the recycling program.

This change is part of our effort to provide long-term cost savings for residents by extending the lifespan of the landfill, which helps avoid higher disposal fees in the future. Additionally, bundled services allow everyone to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable community.

If you have further questions or concerns, we encourage you to attend the City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 at 6:30pm at City Hall, where representatives from both ACE Recycling & Disposal and Wasatch Integrated Waste Management will be available to provide more information. If you have questions or concerns, please come prepared to ask them in the Public Comment portion of the Council meeting so that your concerns can be addressed by the Council.


I’m unable to attend this week’s Council Meeting – what can I do and how can I still be involved?

I apologize if you are unable to attend this week’s City Council meeting. We do publish all of our meeting dates at the beginning of every year and we have had the information for the March 4th meeting in the clicker on the main page of our website since February 19th (the evening after our last Council meeting on 2/18/25).

The agendas for our City Council (and Planning Commission) meetings are always posted ahead of time in the lobby of City Hall on our Public Notice board. They are also posted to the Utah Public Notice website. We also inform the public of meeting dates/times  by posting on several spots on the Sunset City website, on the Sunset on the Go! App, on the Sunset City Facebook page, and on the City’s marquee/illuminated sign right in front of City Hall.

This information has been made available to the public for those who wanted to be aware of this and participate in the process. This was first discussed in a Council meeting almost a year ago, on 3/19/24 when Wasatch Integrated presented it to our Council. It was also discussed in Council meetings on 5/7/24, 7/16/24, 10/15/24, 11/06/24, 11/19/24, and 12/17/24. It was approved on 1/7/25 but only after a Public Hearing was held. If you would like to read the minutes from any of those meetings, they are always available on our website at https://sunset-ut.com/agendas-minutes-2/

If you have further questions or concerns, we encourage you to attend the City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 at 6:30pm at City Hall, where a representative from ACE Recycling & Disposal will be available to provide more information. If you have questions or concerns, please come prepared to ask them in the Public Comment portion of the Council meeting so that your concerns can be addressed by the Council. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you are more than welcome to reach out before the meeting to the members of City Council with your questions/concerns at the contact information listed here.

2025 Bundled Recycling & Garbage

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is recycling optional and what is the cost?

Recycling is now part of Sunset City’s bundled service, which includes regular household waste collection. This service is $5.68 per month, and all residents will incur this cost regardless of whether they use the recycling service.

By including recycling, Sunset City is taking steps to extend the lifespan of our local landfill, which will save money for residents in the long run while also benefiting the environment.

While you are welcome to return the blue recycling bin if you choose not to participate, you will still incur the cost of the recycling service. We are asking that you keep the blue bin until August 1st, 2025 (or 1 month after your can is delivered). This encourages more effective participation, which leads to advancing recycling in our community. It also allows staff to fully roll out the recycling carts and process the return of any additional black garbage carts so they can be prepared to pick up unwanted recycling carts. 

Sunset City makes no profit from waste removal services, and the inclusion of recycling helps offset landfill costs by diverting recyclable materials, supporting the overall sustainability of our community.

Sunset City received a grant from The Recycling Partnership to help fund the recycling bins and public education efforts. Sunset City makes no profit on water, sewer, and waste removal services. Sunset City will receive a diversion incentive on landfill costs based on the tonnage of recycling material diverted from the waste stream into the landfill, which will help support expenses related to the recycling program.

This change is part of our effort to provide long-term cost savings for residents by extending the lifespan of the landfill, which helps avoid higher disposal fees in the future. Additionally, bundled services allow everyone to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable community.

  1. A recycling bin was delivered to my home, but I do not want it. Can I return it?

While you are welcome to return the blue recycling bin if you choose not to participate, you will still incur the cost of the recycling service. We are asking that you keep the blue bin until August 1st, 2025 (or 1 month after your can is delivered). This encourages more effective participation, which leads to advancing recycling in our community. It also allows staff to fully roll out the recycling carts and process the return of any additional black garbage carts so they can be prepared to pick up unwanted recycling carts. 

Sunset City makes no profit from waste removal services, and the inclusion of recycling helps offset landfill costs by diverting recyclable materials, supporting the overall sustainability of our community.

Sunset City received a grant from The Recycling Partnership to help fund the recycling bins and public education efforts. Sunset City makes no profit on water, sewer, and waste removal services. Sunset City will receive a diversion incentive on landfill costs based on the tonnage of recycling material diverted from the waste stream into the landfill, which will help support expenses related to the recycling program.

This change is part of our effort to provide long-term cost savings for residents by extending the lifespan of the landfill, which helps avoid higher disposal fees in the future. Additionally, bundled services allow everyone to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable community.

  1. What if I have a second black garbage can and no longer need it?

Typically, the City charges a $9 pick-up and sanitation fee for the pick-up of the black cans, however, this fee will be waived until September 1st, 2025, for anyone no longer needing a black can due to the addition of the recycling bin.

If you have a second black garbage can and no longer need it now that you have a recycling bin, please call the City Office at 801-825-1628 and we’ll arrange to pick it up. 

  1. What if I’d like to add or replace a recycling bin?

If you need to add or replace a missing or damaged recycling bin, please call the City Office at 801-825-1628.

Additional recycling bins may be requested after August 1st, 2025, and are an additional $5.68 per month. Additional recycling bins must be kept for a minimum of 6 months.

Each household receives a designated inventory number for their recycling bin. Customers are responsible for the bin that is delivered to their residence and the bin must be properly cared for and remain on your property. If you move, you are required to leave it at your property for the next resident – do not take it with you.

  1. What if I already have recycling with Sunset City?

If you already have recycling with Sunset City, you will not receive an additional charge since you are already paying for recycling.

  1. Will apartments and/or businesses be receiving a recycling bin? 

If your apartment and/or business has a black garbage can through the City, then you will receive a blue recycling bin as well. If your apartment and/or business has a private dumpster, contact the owner of the property to see who will be disposing of the recycling for your property.

  1. I have not received a recycling bin. What should I do?

If you have not received a recycling bin during the month of June 2025 or at the same time as your neighbors, please call the City Office at 801-825-1628 for assistance.

  1. My recycling was missed. How do I report a missed pickup?

If your recycling is not collected, please contact ACE Disposal at (801) 363-9995.

  1. What are the benefits of recycling?

Benefits of recycling include:

  • Extending the life of the landfill and reducing the need for new landfills 
  • Conserving energy
  • Reducing pollution and litter
  • Saving natural resources
  • Biweekly recycling collection means residents only need to put out their bin out every other week, which reduces collection time, saving fuel and reducing emissions
  • The bin consolidates the storage of your recyclables between pick-ups and protects them from the weather
  1. Does recycling actually save resources or reduce environmental impact?

Recycling has a positive environmental and economic impact locally and globally. This allows for recyclables to be recovered, preventing them from ending up in the landfill. 

Some of the environmental benefits of recycling include:

  • Conservation of raw resources – Creating products from recycled material helps reduce the consumption of natural resources.
  • Pollution reduction – In most cases, mining and harvesting of raw material produces more pollution from manufacturing than recovering and recycling used material.
  • Less damage to biological habitats and water quality – In most cases, mining and harvesting of raw material interrupts and harms biological habitats and water quality.
  • Reduction of by-products that form in landfills – Less use of landfills will reduce the formation of by-products, such as methane or leachate. These can contaminate groundwater and harm human and animal habitats.
  • Cost-effective – It is more cost-effective to process recycled material than it is to harvest raw resources.

Visit the Wasatch Integrated website to see how recycling efforts can make a big difference.

  1. Where do recycling materials go?

Recyclable materials are taken to a materials recovery facility (MRF), where they are separated, baled, and prepared for market. Ultimately, those recyclables will come back in the form of new products.

  1. What if I have more recyclables than will fit in my recycling cart?

Recyclables left beside the cart cannot be collected. Please make sure the lid of your cart closes. You have several options: 

  1. Should I bag my recyclables like I bag my garbage?

No. Please do not place recyclables in trash bags. Instead, leave them loose in the cart.

  1. Do I need to remove labels from jars and cans?

No, labels are okay.

  1. How clean do containers need to be before they are placed in the recycling cart?

All you need to do is simply rinse and dry the containers. There is no need to wash them.

The basic procedure for aluminum cans involves emptying and rinsing them. You do not need to crush unless you need more space in your cart.

  1. Can I recycle glass in my cart?

No. Glass is not accepted in your recycling bin but can be taken to a drop-off location, including the one at Wasatch Integrated

  1. Can I recycle plastic bags or plastic wrap in my cart?

Yes. Plastic bags are accepted and can be used as engineered fuel. This is another way to keep materials out of the landfill and reduce the use of fossil fuels.

  1. Can I recycle hoses, cords, electronics, or clothes in my cart?

No. These items wrap around equipment at the recycling processing facility, creating a safety hazard for workers and causing facility shutdowns. These items can be taken to the Davis Landfill for recycling or proper disposal.

  1. Can pizza boxes be recycled?

Yes, pizza boxes can be recycled and placed in the cart. However, if you have a super greasy pizza box, please remove the top for recycling and trash the bottom. Pizza boxes end up being recycled or used as engineered fuel.

  1. Do items placed in recycling carts ever get thrown away?

Yes, unacceptable items are taken to the landfill. Please help prevent recycling cart contamination by:

  • Rinsing jars to remove food waste
  • Emptying liquids from bottles before placing them in your recycling cart
  • Placing organic material or food waste in your black-top trash cart
  • Placing plastic utensils and mixed products (paper/plastic or metal/plastic) in your black-top trash cart
  • Placing pet waste in the black-top trash cart
  1. Isn’t the Wasatch Integrated Waste management facility sorting recyclables out of our garbage?

Initially, the Wasatch Integrated Waste facility was designed to process garbage, which continued until 2022. However, the organics extracted were not sufficiently clean for the anaerobic digester, and the cement kiln was unable to handle as much waste for burning (after recyclables were removed) as initially anticipated. Many cardboard and paper items were contaminated by organic matter. As a result, Wasatch Integrated Waste decided to discontinue garbage processing and shift its focus to clean recyclables through the MRF, given that many organics and waste could not be diverted from the landfill. 

Visit the Wasatch Integrated Waste website for information regarding how they process recyclables and to even take a tour.

  1. How do I learn more about recycling?

Recyclables are sent to the Davis Material Recovery and Transfer Facility (MRF). At the MRF, valuable recyclable materials are recovered, baled, and sold to reputable recyclers. Combustible materials without market value are shredded to serve as alternative fuel and are delivered to the cement kiln at Devil’s Slide for use in cement production. Wasatch only places materials in the landfill that cannot be recycled in a practical or cost-effective manner.

To learn more, visit the Wasatch Integrated Waste Management District website and the MRF website.

Important Links

Wasatch Integrated Waste Management

Learn More

Davis Material Recovery and Transfer Facility

Learn More

Glass Recycling

Learn More